Sometimes I am asked how you can help.
FourWands Wildlife is funded out of our own pockets and from the occasional and very appreciated donation. Rehabilitation can be expensive. Formula alone runs about $10 a pound when purchased in large quantities and we go through about 40lbs of squirrel formula alone each year! Combine that with other formulas and foods, supplies such as syringes/feeding equipment, medication, laundry detergent, gas (for picking up animals and vet visits), caging, etc and we can run up some pretty big bills. We estimate our annual operating costs run about $10K.
We are incredibly grateful for each and every donation, big or small, that we receive. It helps us keep going! Here are some ways you can help out.
Paypal Our Amazon Wishlist Venmo: Fourwandswildlife Gift Certificates from: Henry’s Pets (We buy ingredients for our squirrel diet here!) (We use nut flours for our squirrel blocks and a LOT of nuts to introduce babies to nuts in shells – necessary for life in the wild!) Please send any gift certificates to: aimee @ (Please remove spaces from the email address) You can now donate through our Facebook page! |